Other wagon makersThis version has been updated in March 2025
Other wagon makers (mainly those working in 0 Gauge, and particularly firms that operated in the inter-war years, although with a few later companies too, including Douglass Models)
This part of the website (new from 2021) is being developed by Bill Truin, Hans van Dissel and Malcolm Harrison
**** At this stage some sections contain initial illustrative material without fully developed explanatory text or captions, and at present the Illustration numbering is not fixed or complete **** Material below so far relates to Bond's, Douglass, Eastern Models, Goodchild, Gresham, Jubb, Marmoss, Meersbrook (and Scale Products Co.) , Midland Model Co., M.R.Co. (Miniature Reproduction Co.), M.R.C.H. (Model Railway Clearing House), MultiModels, Pealling, 'R' Models, Rye Models, Super Scale Models, W&H (Walker and Holtzapffel), and Windsor Models.
Copyright is retained by M.L.Harrison, Bill Truin and Hans Van Dissel for all text and photos here, except for pictures taken by other owners and enthusiasts. M.L.Harrison 2022, 2025 © All rights reserved.
Illustrations OW1a-OW1d. It is often hard to identify the makers and ages of vintage wagons, even when vehicles have a commercial appearance. This is a very well-made engineer's set, but may have drawn components and materials from various sources (including a Milbro coach body). The train could have been made by an expert enthusiast, or perhaps was commissioned from one of the smaller firms or model shops offering building or rebuilding services. We include another picture of the coach in the Milbro coaches section of this site. It is not possible to date this group, although the coach body was most likely made by the factory in the 1930s. Commercial suppliers of rolling stock often used parts or occasionally even whole vehicle bodies to offer items under their own names.
Introduction The wagons made in relatively small numbers by various specialist UK model railway companies before the second world war are rarely mentioned in the modern literature about vintage 0 gauge trains. Yet there was a variety of firms competing with the larger commercial producers, and the small builders helped form part of what was a rich array of model railway engineers and craftspeople. Their presence was integral to the complex landscape of British engineering at a time when their professional skills and practices connected not only into the wider engineering industries on the one hand, but also with the many enthusiastic skilled amateurs working on table-tops or in private workshops. Unfortunately, while pictures may be found readily of rolling stock by Bassett-Lowke, Leeds/Stedman, Mills and Hornby in the books that have appeared since the 1970s, less can be seen from smaller makers. At time of writing (in 2021) there seems to be more interest than there used to be in the products of these small manufacturers, so we have assembled some material for our site. Thus at least something systematic can be accessed more easily. We focus mainly on a few of the better-known producers, and on those where we have some catalogue images to share. We will mention Bond's although it was a bigger 'player', and W&H also, partly because amongst their activities they were agents or suppliers of products by other makers (including M.R.Co from Bond's, and Goodchild from W & H). A full account of the smaller firms' wagons is not possible, and will not be attempted here. An in-depth researcher might want to include systematic historical material introducing Eastern Models, Gresham Models, Grosvenor, Jubb, Meersbrook, Midland Model Co., Morgay (Ejaycee), MRCH, MRCo., Multi-Models, Normac, Parnell & Miller, Pealling, 'R' Models, Rye Models, Scale Products, Walker Fenn, and more. Unfortunately, none of us have the resources to attempt a full survey, and in many instances there would be little information to go on anyway. We try our best, however, to refer (even if very briefly) to quite a few of the makers, and to present some interesting material, and as usual our thanks are due to those enthusiasts who have been providing informative insights and examples.
Bond's This was a big firm in terms of its scope and long-term impact over a long period, but it had connections with smaller builders, and perhaps did not usually have a high profile or reach with what seem to have been its own directly-produced wagons. It was very important for parts for many years. Note: M.R.Co. will be dealt with separately below, but it is difficult to draw dividing lines between things Bond's might have made directly and items commissioned from other builders or suppliers (including occasionally perhaps M.R.Co.).
Illustration OW12a. A page from a Bond's catalogue, the 1931-32 2nd Edition, page72.
Illustration OW12a1. Many thanks to William Whitehead for useful comments on Bond's vehicles, and for this photograph showing examples of the spring buffer styles.
Illustrations OW12b-OW12e. What we take to be a Bond's product. Note the 'Cast head stocks' fitted along with 'Channel Girder Brass' sole bars.
Illustrations OW12f-OW12i. Many thanks to the enthusiast who sent me these expertly-taken photos of a superb Bond's wagon. Not only does it have opening doors, but the end shutters are also moveable. It would be nice to know the date of this model, which looks to have been some kind of special order.
Illustration OW12j. Bond's Model and Experimental Engineering Handbook, 1956-1957 Edition, page 20.
Illustrations OW12l and OW12m. This horse box carries a Bond's label underneath, perhaps confirming that it may have been made 'in-house' (apparently in contrast to some of the wagons supplied by MRCo). See coverage later in this page). It does not have the same arrangements for the buffers as in the other examples above.
Illustrations OW12n and OW12o. Two convincing Bond's wagons, each carrying a yellow label from the firm. The brake van has a wooden body and metal underframe, while the machinery wagon is all made of brass.
Douglass Models On another web page we present discussion and photographs of this firm's locomotives and include some catalogue extracts. We also show some of their coaches in our Other Coaches section, and a couple of items of narrow gauge rolling stock along with the locos. Coverage below will refer only to their wagons and depend on contributors. The firm differs from most others covered in this section, as it was not founded until after the second world war, but it is of interest to quite a few vintage train enthusiasts, and made use of some Bassett-Lowke products as a basis for offering certain items of its own.
Illustration OW13g. A Bassett-Lowke BR 'tab-and-slot' brake van from the 1950s or early 1960s that has been enhanced by some additions. We are advised that this work was very likely carried out by Douglass Models. We are grateful to the owner of this van for the photograph, and for explaining the work that has been done. He notes two alterations. A turned brass chimney with a hole for the smoke has been substituted for the Bassett type, and plastic mouldings to represent the duckets have been fitted very neatly over the printed representations. He adds that he has seen other similarly altered vans over the years. We agree that this seems very much the kind of work Douglass Models might have done, even though we have not seen any reference to it in their catalogues or advertising. We understand that the model also has turned cast-iron wheels instead of standard B/L die-cast alloy ones, but that this option was offered via Bassett-Lowke anyway.
Illustrations OW13hi and OW13hii. Douglass grain and ore wagons were assembled using Bassett-Lowke components below the bodies. It seems that a standard Bassett-Lowke chassis was used without any significant alterations.
Douglass Models also seem to have produced directly a variety of items of rolling stock of their own, and we show some examples below. Thanks are due to the photographer for these images.
Illustrations OW13ji and OW13jii. A Douglass snow plough. Its body is made of wood apart from the vertical blade, which is of fibreglass. This example is factory-built, but we understand that the fibreglass blade could be purchased separately, enabling enthusiasts to construct their own versions.
Illustrations OW13ki-OW13kiv. Two Douglass machinery wagons made mainly in wood, but with what seem to be fibreglass decks.
Eastern Models This firm seems to have begun its commercial modelling activities in the late 1930s, and its arrival was reported in the February 1938 issue of The Model Railway News. Little is known about its products.
Illustration OW13n. This firm seems to have been setting high standards, given what is said in the MRN's comments . (See 14, 158, page56). Note that Rye Models is also referred to.
Illustrations OW14a and OW14b. A Goodchild SR box van, showing some of the key characteristics.
Illustrations OW14c-OW14e. Goodchild advertising and review material from The Model Railway News. See December 1934, 10, 120, page xi; June 1933, 9, 102, page 161; and December 1929, 5, 60, page 384.
Illustrations OW14f-OW14r. Cover and contents from a rare L.T. Goodchild catalogue.
Illustrations OW14t1-OW14t8. Examples of wagons by L.T.Goodchild.
Gresham Model Co. Retailer for Pealling, etc. Illustration OW15a. An advertisement from The Model Railway News showing a wagon we understand was by Pealling (April 1939, 15, 172, page iv). We include a similar advertisement from 1940 below, in our section on Pealling. Illustrations OW15b and OW15c. Two pages from a Gresham Models catalogue showing wagons they could supply. Unfortunately the images of vehicles on page fifteen are too small to tell us much.
Jubb This Sheffield company was offering wagons and locos early in the inter-war years. The best source of information we have seen elsewhere is an excellent section with good photos on the Binns Road website, which gives 1915-1922 as the firm's period of operation. Perhaps Jubb is better known for its larger-scale products rather than for 0 gauge. Indeed, Levy refers rather unflatteringly to the firm and its 0 gauge wagons in his book, 'A Century of Model Trains' (Levy, A., New Cavendish Books, London, page 60). It seems from the available literature that William Henry Jubb first appeared in the world of model railways in July 1909, when he gave a description of his 2" Gauge model railway layout for one of the journals. Other contributions about his activities appeared in 1910, 1911 and 1912. In a report from the Manchester Society of Model Engineers in December 1913, Jubb was mentioned as representing Bassett-Lowke Ltd., and in the same source a B-L commentary ("The Oil Can") referred to an exhibition of a B-L Gauge One layout by Jubb in Sheffield. We have not seen any evidence that the link with Bassett-Lowke continued through the war years, but a large-scale live steam tank loco by Jubb was reported in 1914. In 1919 Jubb advertised a Gauge One 2-2-0 live steam tank loco, as well as steel track and parts for coaches. A few catalogues from the early post-war years are known, and Martin Ford has helpfully sent us some informative extracts from one that show wagons of much better quality than the models with 'dumb buffers' shown amongst our photographs below. Apparently some Jubb catalogue issues did not include any 0 gauge items, and it is thought that that the superior 0 gauge models may have been 'phased out' at some point. Jubb advertised at least two patented items, one being for connecting rails with specially formed spring steel fishplates, and the other (see below) for axle guards. Like some other makers Jubb had connections with Henry Greenly. This link seems to have been significant in relation to rolling stock, but Martin has indicated that the relationship with Greenly was terminated (and that this was shown in amendments to catalogue content). Available sources indicate that this Sheffield firm got into financial difficulties in 1922, and disappeared the following year. There seem to be some similarities between Jubb and Mills, and both appear to have used coach construction methods derived from or connected with work done by Greenly. Some parallels for wagons are noted below (along with our pictures of examples). We cannot tell whether Milbro might have taken over anything from Jubb at closure, but Greenly certainly seems to have had some ongoing relationships with Mills in relation to drawings, wagons and buildings. We have something about Jubb's coaches in our section on 'coaches by other makers'.
Illustrations OW 15ei-OW15ev. Extracts from a Jubb catalogue from the period immediately after World War One. Many thanks to Martin Ford for sending these images and explaining many details about this firm and its products.
Perhaps Jubb lies just a little outside our main focus, as it seems to have been best known for work in the larger scales, and disappeared fairly early in the 1920s. Nonetheless, we think it is well worth including some illustrations and comment, as the wagons are of interest to specific collectors, and the firm was clearly part of the inter-war North-of-England model-making landscape for a time. The GW vehicle pictured below is for Gauge One, and looks to be quite a solid and effective commercially-made van. Its owner has identified it as being by Jubb, compared it with items shown by Binns Road, and noted the characteristic long buffers and the fine black lines painted in specific places to represent some of the metal strapping. He also points to the distinctive axleguards (which he has seen on early Milbro Gauge One wagons too). These axleguards were advertised by Jubb (see Illustration below), were apparently claimed as their patent (see our notes above), and were made from white metal and brass. Illustration OW15f. Jubb advertisement from 1922 (source at present uncertain). The letters JLS appear as part of their trade mark on some of the wagons shown below.
Two of our correspondents have raised the possibility of links between Jubb and Milbro. As with Mills wagons, the van below seems to have a strengthening piece of wood behind each buffer beam, and the large Tare Number transfer looks like Milbro too. It seems logical that firms in Sheffield might have collaborated regularly or from time to time, but at the moment we have no direct information to demonstrate anything more specific.
Illustrations OW15g-OW15k. Many thanks to the owner of this wagon for these photographs and his comments about the vehicle's origins.
Illustrations OW15m-OW15p. Three more Jubb Gauge One wagons. The Lime and Cement Wagon is quite similar to Milbro versions.
There now follow some photos of Gauge 0 vehicles. The style and simplification are very clear here (but see our comments above on better quality 0 gauge items).
Illustrations OW15s-OW15y. These photographs show clearly the very simplified style of some wagons when made for 0 Gauge. Some have no metal buffers.
Marmoss We have little information about this firm, and its products seem to be very rare. One possibility is that it was primarily a small retailer involved with model railways, and was producing and re-fashioning some items under its own label as part of its activities based around shop premises. Use was clearly being made of wagon components from more well-known companies (as well as Hornby tank locos). Perhaps production might have been in the postwar years, but if anyone has fuller information please let us know.
Illustrations OW16a-OW16f. Pictures of three wagons, together with underside details and an image of a full goods train. Note the use made of boxes from other items.
Meersbrook Model Co. (later Scale Products Co.) This maker was a model engineering company based in Sheffield, but with additional premises in London. It offered to supply locomotives 'in all gauges' with as much or as little detail as was required. Locos could be made in steam, clockwork or electric, and bodies were of 'steel plate'. The firm's catalogue shows numerous accessories, and also lists locomotive parts. 'Handmade' wagons were available, and were apparently 'scale model' wooden rolling stock, made from high grade materials. We show relevant catalogue pages for these below. Notably, the firm offered vehicles not only in Gauges 0 and 1 but in two-and-a-half inch as well. This perhaps reflects the fact that the catalogue drawn on here was from the earlier inter-war period, and the firm while under its name of Meersbrook was advertising in the 1920s (see for instance The Model Railway News, May 1927, 3, 29, page iv). An earlier owner of the catalogue featured below has written in pencil on the title page the name Scale Products, and put with it an address as a substitue for the Cliffe Field Road one printed there by Meersbrook. This is unsurprising, as the firm changed its name to Scale Products Co., as indicated in the advertisement shown below. Illustration OW17a. Meersbrook changed into Scale Products Co., as indicated in this advertisement in the Model Railway News, July 1928, 4, 43, page vi.
Illustrations OW17b-OW17d. These magazine items show the wide range of the firm's output when under the Meersbrook name. They are from The Railway Modeller of November 1927 (3, 35, page viii), July 1927 (3,31, page vi), and December 1927 (3, 36, page 379).
(N.B. We include a catalogue illustration of Meersbrook coaches in our website section on Coaches by Other Makers.)
(The wagons range was also presented in an advertisement that used very similar images, in The Railway Modeller of March 1927 (3, 27, page viii). The offer therein included 'Any kind of Open Wagons', 'Box Wagons, painted any colour', Tar Wagons, and 'Carriage Wagons, any style'.)
Illustrations OW17f-OW17k. Catalogue cover, and pages explaining and illustrating the wagons range.
Illustrations OW17m-OW17o. Quite a few of the firms supplying model railways in the inter-war years would build layouts when commissioned to do so. It was not necessarily a very big step to offer this, perhaps especially if they already marketed track, as Meersbrook did. These reports are reproduced from The Model Railway News of 0ctober 1927 (3, 34, pages x and 315), and December 1927 (3, 36, page v).
The company offered its own patented automatic coupling device for wagons. We cannot say whether there were practical and commercial links with Mills Brothers over some products, but it seems possible.
Illustrations OW17q-OW17s. An impressive all steel 20 ton GWR wagon produced by the company under its new name. It seems as if aspirations for rolling stock had been raised by this time in the direction of greater realism. It is not clear, however, whether the new company retained what seems to have been the relatively high profile it had under the Meersbrook name, or the wide range of activities.
Illustrations OW17t-OW17w. An LNWR Cattle Wagon with working brake gear and carrying the firm's label underneath, and a Machinery Wagon also attributed to this maker (albeit tentatively). Many thanks to the enthusiast who provided these images for us.
Midland Model Co. This firm seems to have first advertised in The Model Railway News in November 1933 and through 1934. Although the company referred to its 'super detail rolling stock', the open wagon we show below is fairly plain. From their early advertising it looks as if offering 0 Gauge alongside other scales of rolling stock was important for this supplier, although a substantial 1938 review elsewhere refers only to their reversing controllers for 00 Gauge (see Illustration OW18g).
Illustrations OW18a and OW18b. Two advertisements relating to this firm, and dating from the 1930s. See The Model Railway News, April 1934 and November 1933 (10, 112, page ii; 9, 107, page ii).
Illustrations OW18c-OW18f. Two further examples of advertisements, together with a notice and a review, all from The Model Railway News of 1934. See May, 10, 113, page ii; June, 10, 114, page ii; July, 10, 115, page ii; and April, 10, 112, page 112. It is interesting to read that the firm was offering some components (apparently of its own), and had also secured overseas recognition !
Illustration OW18g. A 1938 review of some of their equipment in The Model Railway Constructor (October, 5, 56, page 291). Perhaps 00 Gauge was being given more of their attention by this time, although we do not have enough information to be sure.
Illustrations OW18h and OW18i. This is the only example we currently have from this company. The axle boxes pre-attached to a plate may have come from Leeds or Mills, and the metal strapping is probably rather similar to what those firms were using at the time.
M.R.Co. - Miniature Reproduction Co. Bond's referred to themselves as 'Sole Agents' for the Miniature Reproduction Co. (see 1931-32 Bond's catalogue, page 1), but M.R.Co. is not referred to by name in the titling for the catalogue pictures in the 1939-40 Bond's Handbook (see below). We cannot be sure when the sole agents relationship was in place, or whether M.R.Co. supplied wagons outside it, but this company certainly did market their products directly as well as via Bond's. We are grateful to a knowledgeable enthusiast - Bob Burgess - for confirming the survival of what must be a very rare catalogue from M.R.Co. Its plain cover simply carries the firm's name ('Miniature Reproductions Company'), and it seems to be the second edition. The text inside indicates their functions as light engineers and makers of high-grade scale models; apparently of all kinds, to all specifications and for all purposes ! The comments give the impression that the firm planned to add to the catalogue by issuing new pages depicting their latest products, and the existing catalogue seems to have been pinned together from the outset, rather than stapled. Thus it could have had a loose-leaf character and been enlarged by its owner as time passed. Certainly, customers could order items directly from the firm. We show some of the pages below our Bond's catalogue reproductions. We then feature some M.R.Co. wagons made for Keen, and presumably bought by arrangement with M.R.Co rather than supplied through Bond's.
Illustrations OW19a-OW19b. Bond's catalogue extracts from 1931-1932 2nd Edition, pages 50-51.
Illustrations OW19c-OW19e. Wagon pictures from Bond's Model and Experimental Engineering Handbook, 1939-1940, pages 73-75.
Illustrations OW19f-OW19h. Many thanks to the owner of this catalogue for these pages.
Illustrations OW19n-OW19q. A Thirsk Steel Company wagon matching the one shown in the firm's catalogue and in a Model Railway News feature of June 1926 (see The MRN, 2, 18, page 191). The press report notes that this type of 20-ton wagon was fitted with an opening end door, and the bodies were constructed of hard wood with solebars 'of strip brass, to which the axle guards are riveted'.
Illustrations OW20a-OW20e . Many thanks to the enthusiast who sent us these photographs of two M.R.Co wagons made for Keen's railway. These vehicles are clearly in the top rank for their period. Note the way the buffers push against a flat piece of flexible metal, as in the van shown in our Bond's section above.
Illustrations OW20f-OW20g. An MR Co. open wagon with 'dropside doors', as noted in a catalogue example above. Thanks to the photographer for showing the arrangements.
Illustrations OW20h-OW20j. An LMS brake van.
Illustrations OW20k-OW20m. A GWR vehicle rather similar to the Keen wagons shown earlier.
Illustrations OW20n and OW20o. A good example of a private owner wagon by MRCo, in this case with an opening end.
Illustrations OW20p-OW20r. Another nicely constructed wagon from MRCo. This time the firm's 'logo' is painted on the underneath. Many thanks to the owner for sending us these photos.
We have mentioned Keen's models above, and his layout is well known. His friend W.J.P. Kelly also had a layout, which I am informed was later housed at a museum in France. The wagon shown below was acquired from France by an enthusiast, along with a model loco of Kelly's (see our page on vintage locos by other makers). I have no specific knowledge about the makers of Kelly's wagons, but it seems well worth showing this example. Thanks to the photographer for permission to show the wagon and the loco on our site. Illustrations OW20v-OW20x. An impressive wagon from the Kelly layout. The enthusiast who has this wagon notes that it is of brass, and that it has Marescot/Fournereau bogies. I do not know whether Kelly used the same builders and suppliers as Keen, although it seems possible.
Model Railway Clearing House
(As can be seen from some of the illustrations, this firm sold Leeds items, including litho wagons. For the catalogue page describing its own locos, see our website section on Other vintage locos and motors.) Illustrations OW21a-OW21e. We are grateful to David Bower for the two photographs shown above. The van that is pictured appears to match the M.R.C.H. catalogued one very closely, although it has had some alterations since it was made (and the couplings are a later addition). The owner has successfully restored this very unusual vintage vehicle which came to him as a wooden shell without any underframe, axle boxes, etc., and with a few minor other changes that he has put right. To protect the hand painted lettering it has been given a protective coat of varnish. The solebars it came with are made of brass, perhaps unsurprisingly given that the firm also offered wagons made of that material. The roof is of thin tinplate. This is very likely to be an M.R.C.H wagon 'as catalogued', and we have not yet seen another. Some other firms offered similar wagons, but in the absence of any additional information this does seem to be the M.R.C.H. one.
Illustrations OW21f and OW21g. Catalogue extracts showing the range and prices of what was on offer.
Multi-Models Ltd. This firm had London premises, and its catalogue offered a variety of items, including its own locomotives in HO, OO, O and 1 scales. At the moment we have no date for this catalogue, and have not yet researched the firm's activities in any way, although it was certainly active in the late 1930s. It is not clear whether the company made use of outside contractors for any of its products, although a photo in the catalogue shows its own staff at work on repair and re-paint jobs. The catalogue we have refers to 0 gauge wagons, but the coverage is brief. The relevant page is shown below. Illustration OW24a. A page from the catalogue that includes a reference to standard wagons and to super-detail ones. It is not certain that the firm necessarily made its own vehicles, and the catalogue noted on its introductory page that "We are agents for the leading makers, ...". Given the prices we are not sure about the likely date (which might even be post-war although perhaps the end of the 1930s is more probable).
Pealling It seems that A.W.H. Pealling started out by providing locomotive and rolling stock drawings, and these were mentioned in the Model Railway News as early as October 1926 (see the extract below). In the following year he advertised his catalogue, listing over 300 drawings of locos and rolling stock. A few months later, Pealling added the offer of scale model 0 gauge goods stock to his advertising, and referred specifically to an LMS 12 ton open wagon (at 5/-) and a GNR goods brake (at 7/6d). (See advertisements reproduced below.) Pealling's work became well-regarded, and it seems that he produced models for retailers such as W&H and Tyldesley & Holbrook, as well as for private customers. This maker worked in wood and card, and created realistic wagons that for most of his production years featured brake gear made from card. A very informative letter from C. Pealling, his son, was published in July 1977 in Model Railways. (Unfortunately I do not have this source, but we understand the item was titled 'Wagon Identified', and was at page 334.) This correspondence was responding to an earlier article on models in the National Railway Museum, where Pealling items were on display. The letter detailed some key features of the maker's rolling stock, and noted that the 'Newbattle' coal wagon in pre-war Gresham Models advertisements was produced by him. It seems also from this letter that A.W.H. Pealling was still making wagons up into the 1960s, prior to his death in 1963, and we understand that a Pealling wagon sold on Ebay in 2017 was apparently made by him in the 1960s for a specific customer. It may be worth noting that Ganderton's book on Beeson refers at page 53 to a 'fine piece of rolling stock, the work of A.H.Pealling'. This was a coach, part of which was shown to accompany a Beeson GWR tank loco in a photograph. This inclusion perhaps confirms the rolling stock builder's status within the upper end of commercial railway modelling. See Ganderton, R.A., James Stanley Beeson, 1906-1990, Faculty Publishing, Poole, 1999.
Illustration OW30a. Two of the reports showing one of Pealling's activities; supplying drawings (see The Model Railway News, October 1926, 2, 22, page 320, and October 1925, 1, 10, page 290).
Illustrations OW30b and OW30c. Two more in the same production territory. These are from The Model Railway News of May 1927 (3, 29, page ix), and October 1927 (3, 34, page iv). Note that in October Pealling seems to have been offering not only 0 gauge wagons, but perhaps unpainted coach sides for 00 gauge (although the description is not completely clear) . Illustrations W30d-OW30f. Three images of a Banana Van by Pealling. We understand from an enthusiast that before this van came into the hands of its present owner, an earlier operator had changed its axle guards and put fine scale wheels on it.
Illustrations OW30g-OW30i. Three pictures of a GWR Mica Van.
Illustration OW30j. A GWR open wagon by Pealling.
Illustrations OW31a-OW31e. Two Pealling LSWR box vans.
Illustrations OW31f-OW31n. More images of Pealling vehicles. Thanks to the contributor who has provided these.
Illustration OW32a. This advertisement features a wagon supplied by Pealling for Gresham. (See The Model Railway News, March 1940, 16, 183, page v.) A similar one from a different date is shown in our Gresham section.
Illustrations OW32b and OW32c. A Pealling 'Newbattle' wagon, albeit most likely made in the post-war years, long after the Gresham Models advertisement had appeared. There are differences on points of detail, but the maker was the same.
Illustrations OW33a and OW33b. Many thanks to the enthusiast who sent in these two pictures. As he points out, we can see here some of the difficulties of identification. The first of the wagons is certainly by Pealling, but although very similar the other lacks brake gear and has different axle guards.
Illustrations OW33c and OW33d. Another Pealling van.
Illustrations OW33e-OW33g. Pictures of two large and distinctive Pealling private owner open vehicles.
Illustration OW33h. A very attractive Lime Wagon by Pealling.
'R' Models of Cheltenham Brief reference is made to 'R' Models in our section on Mills wagons, where an example of the firm's GWR rolling stock is shown. This is expanded on now by some more pictures, including photos from an 'R' Models catalogue, photos of examples of the two types of wagon shown there by the firm, and some additional advertisements and wagon photos provided by enthusiasts. To see a few illustrations of the card coaches the company made, see our section on Coaches by Other Makers.
Illustrations OW40a-OW40d. 'R' Models advertisements and reviewers' comments from magazine issues. (See The Model Railway News, August 1933, 9, 104, page ii; October 1932, 8, 94, page 260; December 1934, 10, 120, page xiii; and November 1935, 11, 131, page 294.)
Illustrations OW40e and OW40f. The firm's catalogue cover and a page showing the wagons on offer.
Illustrations OW40g and OW40h. Another page from the company's catalogue, along with a container wagon model.
Illustrations OW41a. These wagons are quite realistic for their period, although (as with some Mills wagons) the silvered card strapping has proved vulnerable. A previous owner has altered the underside of the timber wagon shown here by relocating the original wooden support pieces away from their usual positions behind the buffer beams in order to strengthen the wagon sides, and replacing these two pieces with narrower ones. This would be easy to put right, especially as the wooden sections that have been moved seem to match the thickness of standard track sleepers. I do not know if the buffers on the timber wagon are original or replacements. The catalogue page above features the same wagon types.
Illustrations OW41d and OW41e. Another wagon of the same type and with a similar load, but a slightly different painted number. Thanks to the person who let us have these photos. The rectangular paper label seen on the underside seems to be a standard type for this firm, but there is at least one other form of labelling too, although apparently much rarer (see below).
Illustration OW41e1. We are grateful to William Whitehead for drawing our attention to this variant of 'R' Models labelling on the underside of a wagon. It differs from the standard paper type. The number 1473 looks like something added for a sale or auction!
Illustrations OW42a and OW42b. 'R' Models container wagon loads could be purchased as separate items, and the Southern Railway one shown immediately above has been placed on an adapted Milbro wagon.
Illustration OW43a. An example of 'R' Models packaging. Many thanks to the enthusiast who sent this photo.
Illustrations OW43b and OW43c. We are grateful to the two collectors who sent us these pictures. The wagons carrying the containers have different numbers painted on the sides.
Illustration OW43d. This is a very convincing cattle van, again from 'R' Models. Thanks are due to the person who let us have the photo.
Illustration OW44. This GWR bogie Siphon must be a rather rare item, and would certainly be sought after by 'R' Models collectors. Thanks to the person who sent in the picture.
Illustration OW45. The owner of some of the above vehicles also sent us this image, as he feels this wagon is also likely to be by 'R' Models (even though it is difficult to be absolutely certain). Perhaps the construction, lettering and paintwork of wagons from this maker are less easy to be sure about in individual cases than with Mills or Leeds (although where there is a paper label underneath that can resolve things).
Illustration OW46. Many thanks to the enthusiast who sent us this picture, which shows a large 'R' Models bogie vehicle. As with the Siphon above, this is probably a very scarce item.
Illustrations OW47a and OW47b. Another large rare 'R' Models vehicle, the 'Crocodile'. Thanks to the owner for letting us have these photos. Illustrations OW48a and OW48b. Another wagon from this firm, with thanks to the enthusiast who supplied these pictures of it.
Rye Models There seem to be quite a few scattered references to this company in the pre-war model railway magazines, and the example below usefully includes a photo of two of their wagons. Comments on their products can also be seen above, in the MRN report shown under the Eastern Models heading.
Illustration OW50a. A report from The Model Railway News of October 1938 (see 14, 166, page 279).
Illustration OW50b. A review from The Model Railway Constructor of October 1938 (5, 56, page 291), which usefully refers to specific items they had added to their current list. Thanks to David Bower for alerting us to this source.
Super Scale Models This post-war firm was capable of making very good models, but it is not certain that wagons they sold were necessarily made by them. Simon Goodyear has suggested that the firm might well have added their labels to some specific items (from other makers) that they were selling, and we find this view persuasive.
Illustrations OW51a and OW51b.
Illustrations OW51c-OW51h. Two more wagons from Super Scale. The strapping on these seems to be of the brass type that still turns up sometimes when spares are offered for sale.
OW51i and OW51j. An LMS brake van from the same firm.
SS model wagons (uncertain origin) We include these items because they seem professionally made, and conceivably might have been made or sold through Super Scale Models (above). We have no further information about them at present. Illustrations OW52a and OW52b.
Illustrations OW52c and OW52d. These are in a livery that would have looked very nice on a layout.
Walkers & Holtzapffel (W&H) This long-lived firm was important as a retailer, and it is uncertain how much was built 'in-house'. Neither do we have reports that tell us how far this might have changed over time in the pre-war years. Although the firm advertised in 1936 that it had workshops building track, coaches, locos and buildings, it did not claim at that point to have a 'wagon shop' of its own (see our website section on Coaches by Other Makers; Illustration OC60a). Note: there is a close match between the catalogue pictures shown in the W&H images below and the Goodchild catalogue photos featured above. W & H advertised frequently in the model railway press, and items offered by them were often featured by the magazines. The press report below notes equipment in particular.
Illustration OW55a. From The Railway Modeller, September 1936, 12, 141, page x.
The firm of Holtzapffel initially seems to have operated independently and had its own catalogue, having come into model railways in the 1920s (see the 1927 press report below). Illustration OW55b. From The Railway Modeller, January 1927, 3, 25, page 31. At some later point a retailing company was established under the joint names of Walkers and Holtzapffel. It seems from the reports reproduced below that Walkers acquired the retail interest of Holtzapffel in 1936, after Messrs Holtzapffel had gone into liquidation, while another firm took over the manufacturing side of Holtzapffel. Illustration OW55c. From The Railway Modeller, June 1936, 12, 138, page v.
Illustrations OW55d-OW55f. Three items from The Model Railway News of May 1936, 12, 137, pages v, 140, 137.
Illustration OW55g. This seems to be from soon after the new retailer had been created, and is probably quite a rare item.
The wagons sold by W&H Although the firm's catalogues displayed numerous wagons known to be by other firms, W&H may have built their own items from time to time. I cannot say whether the super-detailed wagons below (offered in a catalogue from the late 1930s) were made 'in-house' or by a supplier. The firm does seem to indicate that they were manufactured by W&H themselves. An interesting comment can also be seen, noting the roles of Leeds and Milbro in the catalogue pages that followed.
Illustrations OW55h and OW55i. Wagon illustrations and comments from a catalogue that seems to date from the mid-1930s or a little later. We show the cover because its design is closer to those of the post-war years than the ones shown in Illustrations OW55g and OW57a, although the content aligns with the 1930s environment.
Illustration OW56a. The Model Railway Constructor of 1940 described this Walkers & Holtzappfel wagon as an Argentine Railways Double-Decker, all-steel Cattle Wagon. It was one of a set of five made to special order. See 7, 80, November, pages 220-221.
We now reproduce some catalogue pages below which probably date from 1933-1934 or thereabouts. The photos can be compared with those in the Goodchild catalogue we featured earlier, although W&H do not specify the manufacturer.
Illustrations OW57a-OW57d. Catalogue extracts showing a large array of unattributed wagons from Goodchild.
Windsor Models
Illustrations OW65a-OW65c. Many thanks to the enthusiast who sent us these photos. He has explained that the wagon is very likely to have come initially from the famous 'Sherwood' layout (see our website page that includes discussion of Windsor Models locos). He also drew attention to the 'painted impression of rivets on the underframe', which it seems is probably characteristic of this maker. The brake gear was added by a recent owner. |